This is the current draft board. Click the button next to the player you would like to draft, then click submit at the bottom of the page to make it official. Players that have logos next to their names have already been drafted.

Season 1973 Rookie Draft Class

Roger Staubach25638156
Leroy Kelly69000
Tim Rossovich38000
Oj Simpson69000
Fran Tarkenton19446938
Gale Sayers63000
Calvin Hill63000
Mercury Morris63000
Marv Hubbard56000
Ken Anderson19506350
Lance Alworth69000
Terry Bradshaw25565650
Greg Landry38444450
Deacon Jones63000
Ron Jaworski13635650
Wally Hilgenber38000
John Outlaw44000
Paul Warfield69000
Fred Bilentnikoff63000
John Riggins50000
Ken Stabler6815056
Larry Little38000
Dan Fouts13635650
Bob Griese19505650
Archie Manning13565650
Bobby Douglass38383850
Franco Harris56000
Cliff Harris63000
Floyd Little56000
Rich Caster56000
Rick Volk63000
Gary Garrison69000
Macarthur Lane56000
Bill Ferguson31000
Bill Bergey56000
Brian Sipe13565656
Bert Jones13565650
Harold Jackson56000
Ahmad Rashad56000
Charlie Waters56000
Ken Willard50000
Bob Hayes56000
Allan Ellis56000
Gary Lewis63000
Warren Wells56000
Dave Hampton56000
Lloyd Mumphord50000
Robert Creech31000
Frank Pitts56000
Mike Wagner56000
Pete Lazetich44000
W.K. Hicks56000
Craig Clemons50000
Clarence Scott44000
Mike Curtis38000
Butch Atkinson56000
Matt Snell44000
Donny Anderson50000
Mike Garrett50000
Chuck Foreman50000
Jerome Barkum50000
Harold Carmichael50000
John Garlington44000
Jim LeClair56000
Jim Hart6505656
Mike Sensibaugh50000
Len Dawson6505638
Jack Concannon6445650
Joe Ferguson13634450
Levi Johnson56000
Ron Yary25000
Glenn Doughty50000
Ron Sellers50000
Lance Rentzel50000
Charlie Smith50000
Dave Delby31000
Ray Chester38000
Derland Moore50000
Cas Banaszek31000
Jim Lynch50000
Carl Garret50000
Wilbur Young44000
Ted Kwalick44000
Ken Ellis50000
Rayfield Wright25000
Joe Theismann13445050
Carl Eller56000
Russ Washington25000
John Hannah38000
Mike Livingston13445050
George Kunz38000
Wally Chambers31000
Steve Furness38000
John Bunting44000
Charle Young44000
Bruce Van dyke25000
Jim Fassel13445044
Mike Bass56000
Bob Kuechenberg31000
Tom Neville19000
Bob Demarco31000
Keith Wortman25000
Bob Hyland44000
Randy Beisler31000
Rusty Tillman44000
Blaine Nye38000
Jim Langer31000
Dave Costa44000
Randy Vataha50000
Van Green38000
Earl McCullouch50000
Skip Thomas50000
Joe Scarpati50000
Bob Rowe44000
Ray Brown50000
Jerry Moore38000
Gerald Irons50000
Tom Brahaney38000
Ralph Neely31000
Dave Foley31000
Bob Trumpy44000
Fred Hoaglin19000
Ed Budde25000
Tom Luken19000
Riley Odoms44000
Tom Myers50000
Jim Mitchell44000
Ed Podolak44000
John Brockington44000
Ken Burrough44000
Tom Drougas25000
Bruce Taylor50000
Bob Tucker38000
Jerry Smith44000
Ron A. Johnson44000
Mick Tingelhoff19000
Billy Joe Dupree38000
John Gilliam50000
John Lohmeyer50000
Mel D. Gray44000
Jack Gregory50000
Alden Roche44000
Bruce Laird56000
Curley Culp38000
Mike Weger44000
Frank Nunley50000
Jackie Smith38000
Ernie Kellerman50000
Walt Patulski38000
Jim Kiick44000
Ray May44000
Jerry Sherk50000
Dan Conners38000
Jean Fugett44000
Bob Moore38000
Marv Bateman44000
Garo Yepremian81000
Tim Kearney44000
Mark Moseley81000
Jon Kilgore44000
Julius Adams50000
David Lee44000
Jan Stenerud81000
Tom Roussel44000
Mel Lunsford44000
Bill Stanfield50000
Walker Gillette44000
Charles Hall44000
Frenchy Fuqua44000
Bob Klein38000
Dave Lewis44000
Don Cockroft81000
Lee Roy Jordan38000
Gino Cappelletti31000
Joe Dawkins44000
Jim Plunkett13444450
Horst Muhlmann81000
Chuck Latourette44000
Bill Gregory31000
Emerson Boozer44000
Ken Burrow44000
Bob Bell44000
Steve Ramsey13444450
Bob Parsons44000
Chester Marcol81000
Earl Edwards44000
Ron Kadziel44000
Willie Harper44000
Don Pockroft44000
Jim Turner81000
Tom Woodeshick44000
Mike Reid50000
Errol Mann81000
Larry Seiple44000
Jerry Levias44000
Fred Arbanas31000
Billy Van heusen44000
Tom Dempsey81000
Ron Snidow44000
D.d. Lewis44000
Jim Bakken81000
Bobby Walden44000
Gary Parris31000
Julian Fagan44000
Roy Gerela81000
Fred Cox81000
Jim McCann44000
James Harris13444450
Cedrick Hardman44000
Ron Widby44000
Curt Knight81000
Gary Hammond38000
Pete Gogolak81000
Tom Wittum44000
Bruce Gossett81000
Jerrel Wilson44000
Joe Namath13753150
Ken Duncan44000
Bill McClard81000
Tom Blanchard44000
Charlie Gogolak81000
Alvin Reed31000
Willie Frazier31000
Nick Mike-Mayer81000
Spike Jones44000
William Brunsley44000
Mac Percival81000
Happy Feller81000
Herman Weaver44000
Mike Eischeid44000
Karl Kremser81000
Larry Seiple38000
Jim Laslavic44000
Bill Johnson44000
Ed Siegler81000
Bill Zapalac38000
Ben Nitka81000
Don Anderson44000
George Hunt81000
Ray Guy44000
Henry Reed38000
Art Malone38000
Jim Hill44000
Billy Lothridge44000
Allan Watson81000
Grady Allen38000
Coy Bacon44000
Gary Huff13444450
Billy Truax31000
Mack Alston31000
Billy Masters31000
Larry Mialik31000
Albert Chandler31000
Pete Lammons25000
Doug Crusan25000
Dennis Shaw13752550
Pat Toomay38000
Steve Oneal44000
Grant Guthrie81000
Wayne Stewart25000