This is the current draft board. Click the button next to the player you would like to draft, then click submit at the bottom of the page to make it official. Players that have logos next to their names have already been drafted.

Season 1972 Rookie Draft Class

PIT.Larry Wilson3856635075
Larry Carwell2531385044
N.O.Dick Lebeau3850563181
Rosey Taylor2531443150
RAI.Ken Ellis3844505056
Miller Farr4456754456
G.B.Billy Thompson3850636369
Jim Hill2531444450
ATL.Pat Fischer3850633869
Hugo Hollas2531443838
CIN.Jack Tatum3138506963
Charlie Waters3844564463
MIN.Charles Babb4450565663
Norm Thompson3138503863
CLE.Tommy Casanova3850636950
Delles Howell3138504450
DET.Mike Wagner3844565063
Ron Bolton2531443856
JETSMike Sensibaugh3138505663
Ben Davis3138505050
S.D.Bill Bradley3844565663
Kent Mccloughan2531384444
WAS.Charlie Stukes3844565656
Butch Byrd2531385050
S.F.Skip Thomas3138506950
Joe Beauchamp3138504456
N.E.Willie Buchanon3844565056
Ray Easterling2531445050
MIA.Dave Elmendorf3138505050
Jerry Stovall3138504450
BUF.W.K. Hicks3144563856
Al Matthews2531443838
S.L.Craig Clemons3138505638
Booker Edgerson3138503856
RAMSJim Kearney2531444450
Ernie Kellerman3138503850
K.C.Bruce Taylor3138506350
John Charles2531443138
HOU.Ron Smith2531448138
Jerry Moore2531385644
DEN.Alvin Haymond2531386331
Ken Reaves3138503856
CHI.Chris Farasopoulos2531444444
John Outlaw2531444450
GIA.Lloyd Mumphord3138504450
Al Randolph2531444438
PHI.Jimmy Warren3138505050
Clifford Brooks2531383131
DAL.Lee Calland2531383144
Jim Nettles2531442544
BAL.George Saimes2531442544
Leonard Dunlap2531441944